There's nothing quite like a good plan coming together. Can you actually believe most of what I said in that previous post actually worked out? Unreal I know! And here I was thinking it was all bull####!
The Flagellents ended up directly opposite the Black Guard, got the charge, killed some (didn't break them though), but more importantly kept them in combat for almost the rest of the game. Nice.
Dark Riders on the flank were dealt to very harshly by the Pistoliers (dead before the Outrider Champ could even get a shot off!).
The Cold One Knights (on the same flank) failed Stupidity in turn one (did I call it? yes I did! Making daisy chains!) and were eventually charged by the Reiksguard Knights (just in). The combat went badly for the Elves when they took four casualties (including 2 from horses!) and dealt none in return, breaking and being run down.
My General is a tank. First he failed a charge at a unit of RXBs (and their accompanying Sorceress friends). Stand-and-Shoot did nothing. Then he was shot in their turn - nothing. Then he charged, supported by the Huntsmen in their flank; stand-and-shoot - nothing. Beat them up, ran them down (taking out one Sorceress - the Huntsmen did for the other at short range while she hid behind the Black Guard/Flagellent combat). Took another round of shooting from the other RXB unit before charging them supported by a Free Company detachment in their flank. Both units caused enormous casualties, broke them, failed to catch the 4 survivors but charged/killed them in the final turns.
The Swords and their Spear detachment did for the Spearelves on the other flank.
The Empire Spearmen took an IF Black Horror (ouch) losing 1/2 their number but this was long after they had dealt with the Corsairs and DE BSB (thanks to the GW-Knights in their flank in support).
The Cannon hid from the charge of the Elf General and Harpies. The Mortar died - overall quite hopeless with the two shots it managed to get off.
There were only two big issues:
- the scary Elf General who can charge 18" with a 3+ save and Pendant dishing out 4 str6 attacks. Yikes. Not sure what to do about this - he can take small unit and warmachines with ease and could hold a ranked unit up quite nicely (Ld10 proving very valuable).
- I muppeted in my last turn, charging the Black Guard in the front with the Reiksguard/Priest. By this point the Black Guard were buddied with the Elf General. It was a gamble to reduce the Black Guard to below 1/2 (120pt gain). I lost combat by ONE and of course broke giving Ray the unit's banner and also returning the Cold One banner. And of course I couldn't rally so counted as destroyed. The brain-fart was not moving my BSB into range for the break test reroll (which I easily could have done). The Black Guard/General were the only things left on the board and admittedly in a tournament I wouldn't have taken the risk but it was fun to try anyway in a practice game.
In the end I lost the Mortar, 10 Crossbows, 9 Handgunners, the Flagellents, 1/2 the Spears, Reiksguard and Priest and had 1/2 wounds on the Wizard. Had 3 quarters (one contested) and 3 banners (Corsairs, Spears and BSB). We didn't do the maths but with 240 for the Black Guard and likely around 200 for the General I was up in kills. The Black Guard had a captured banner.
Looked pretty convincing to me. Might have been a 16-4 or 17-3?
For those who are not aware - Black Guard are feckin' horrible. And these one's DIDN'T have the ASF banner or killy gear on the champ. Yuck.
Ray has a good list - no Rares, decent shooting and magic, combat blocks, bait, warmachine hunters, an anvil (the Black Guard obviously) and a hammer (Cold One Knights) that causes Fear to boot. Hopefully we meet at FluffyCon where I'm sure he'll play a tight game. Ray's a gentleman gamer - thanks for having me over to your house mate :-)
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