I promised myself before this game I wouldn't unleash the powers of Dave against a fellow Dave. Unfortunately my dice had other ideas...
Dave brought along a version of his fluffy Wood Elves - acquired over the last few months and seeking a couple of coats of paint. The current iteration (Dave gets bored quickly so the list sees frequent changes) looks like this:
L3 Mage with reroll leadership-based tests and some other kit of little consequence
BSB on horse with Fimbelwinter Shard (argh!) and Sword of Might
Alter Noble with Sword of Continual Missing (ok, it was just a Great Weapon but Dave rolled so badly - 4 attacks, 1 hit in each of 6 or so rounds of combat) and D6 str2 hits Sprites
20 Gladeguard - FC
2 x 5 Glade Riders - muso
2 x 8 Wardancers
15-ish Eternal Guard (BSB is here)
3 Warhawk Riders
10 (count 'em) Waywatchers
Deployment saw the Gladeguard in the middle (ended up on a hill in the centre in his deployment zone), Eternal Guard next to them sneaking about in their forest and on each flank a unit of Riders and Wardancers. Deployment of the game goes to the Waywatchers who deployed almost on top of the Huntsmen and Handgunners (they can deploy in terrain and still be in LOS).
Pommy Dave lost the roll off for first turn... and the Waywatchers died.
Ok, they didn't die straight away. They actually broke in his next turn allowing their attackers not only to cut them down but also shoot to bits a Rider unit that had come along to investigate. Understandably upset about this the Huntsmen were set upon by Hawks and Dancers, ripped to shreds easily. This panicked the Pistoliers who fled but rallied and eventually did for the Hawks along with the Handgunners (who were charged by them but beat them off).
The Dancers chose NOT to pursue because they were much more interested in intercepting the Reiksguard and Priest who were hooning up the middle going for the Gladeguard and Mage on the hill. Two rounds of shooting failed to kill a single Knight (Dave was understandably miffed about this) although one did die to stand-and-shoot when they managed to charge. With Ariel's Blessing the Gladeguard survived and passed their break check. By the end of the game the Mage (sole survivor of the unit) was broken and run down, half the Knights and the unharmed Priest surviving to take a table quarter (and hold the banner they had captured).
The Flagellents went straight for the Eternal Guard, getting charged and dying in droves. The Swordsmen later hit the flank of the Eternal Guard who held easily. The Swords didn't manage to hold so well when the Dancers on their flank rear-charged and killed 11 (damn...). The Swords broke but rallied (Dancers failed to catch, Eternal Guard restrained). The Wizard reduced them to 3 before they recharged the Swordsmen, killing one and dying to the return attacks. Nice.
The Alter Noble with the broken sword took the whole game to kill off 10 Crossbows and the 9-Spear detachment - poor sod. The Spear block (and BSB) themselves took a charge from the other Dancers, lost 3 and wiped them out in a pursuit, escaping from the then free Eternal Guard.
In the end I still had - the Cannon, Mortar, 1/2 Reiksguard, Priest, BSB, 1/2 General, 1/2 Swords, Spears, Free Company detachment, Handgunner detachment, Pistoliers and 1/2 Wizard. Also had 3 quarters and an enemy banner.
Dave had a wounded Alter Noble and his BSB hiding in a forest and 5 Eternal Guard contesting a quarter.
Had Dave won the first turn - different game. Waywatchers smash the Handgunners and Pistoliers and Huntsmen and march block everything while casually shooting Knights with Killing Blow arrows. The Alter Noble was appallingly bad. The Flagellents survived just long enough to hold the Eternal Guard up to stop them hitting anything much at all.
And the Reiksguard Knights were incredibly fortunate not to take casualties for the first two turns of the game. Nice one.
Unlikely to be a 20-0 victory but a substantial one nevertheless and the first time I've beaten the previous Top Dave.
Of course he was very tired so that's probably why I won. Too much sun + pasty English bodies proving to be a less than useful combination :-)
Thanks for coming over for a game Dave - I sincerely hope to smash you should we meet at FluffyCon.
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