Thursday, October 14, 2010

FluffyCon 2011 - Best get in now...

The players pack has been out for almost a couple of weeks. There are 40 spaces available at the tournament. Already I've been in close contact (i.e have received emails from) 26 players indicating they will be coming and have or are registering on the Battlecry website.

Of those 26 player I've seen draft lists from 14, signifying to me how seriously they are taking their entry and wanting to get in early and have time to communicate with me about appropriate list design.

40 available spaces, 26 players already keen. 4 months out from the event.

If you're hanging around and waiting to see how this pans out... I reckon get in now before you miss out.


Sunday, October 10, 2010

FluffyCon 2011 - Players Pack

The players pack (and sample army lists) have gone out to all the players on my email database. Given this database now includes over 100 players and there is a 40 player limit at FluffyCon (as carefully and clearly expressed in the enail) I hoped to get an immediate reaction.

Far out - I'm not disappointed.

With the pack going out last night I've already had 10 positive (i.e. "Sign me up - I'm coming!") responses, including one from a player who heard about FluffyCon from a friend! Excellent!

All the feedback and communication so far has been extremely encouraging - not just players congratulating and thanking me for the pack but also sending through some extremely neat and highly appropriate lists.

I must admit I was (somewhat) apprehensive about the reaction from the community. I'm really asking players to step out at this tournament and really try hard to get into the spirit of the event. Early evidence suggests to me this is potentially going to be far more successful than I had initially hoped. List feedback so far has been constructive, quick and efficient and the players are taking my advice on-board readily. Kudos to the players I've already had the pleasure of having an email conversation with - I'm extremely encouraged by your approach to this event. The lists so far are fluffy and AWESOME! Magic items are practically non-existent, full commands are flourishing and diversity within lists is huge... looks like the sample lists idea is paying off.

Monday, October 4, 2010

First time using Orcs and Goblins

I played my good mate Mark McCall yesterday - Dwarfs (Mark) vs O&Gs (Me)

Dave's Orcs and Goblins

Black Orc Warboss with Shagga's and Armour of Destiny
L4 Orc Shaman - Talisman of Preservation
Black Orc Boss - BSB, Heavy Armour, Enchanted Shield, Dawnstone
Black Orc Boss - Ironcurse Icon, Heavy Armour, Potion of Toughness, Great Axe

40 Night Goblins - Netters, Full Command, 2 Fanatics
25 Orcs - Full Command
25 Orcs - Full Command
15 Arrer Boyz - Full Command
5 Wolf Riders
5 Wolf Riders
Goblin Chariot
Orc Chariot
Orc Chariot
6 Trolls
2 Spear Chukkas

Mark's Stunties

Dwarf Lord - Shieldbearers, Dictionary (a bunch of runes) that gave him 5 attacks and some other stuff that didn't come up (translation: he didn't die)
Thane - BSB, 1+ save, flaming attacks
Runesmith - 2 Spellbreaking Rune (Dispel Scrolls)
Master Engineer

Bolt Thrower - extra strength
Bolt Thrower - extra strength, flaming
20 Thunderers (handguns) - full command
20 Quarellers (crossbows) - full command
20 Slayers - full command
20 Longbeards - full command, immune to fear/terror banner
20 Hammerers - full command, great weapons, +1 combat res banner

Mark deployed the combat units in the centre and a shooting blocks on either flank. The fast stuff, Giant (oh the Giant...) and Trolls were whittled down over three turns and never made combat. My shooting went into the Slayers and I managed to get through them in a couple of rounds with the General and his mates when we hit combat. I stupidly (after rolling a 6 for Animosity followed by another 6 TWICE) charged the Goblins into the Hammerers/Lord prematurely (should have let them charge me). Held out on Steadfast for a couple of turns and when I broke the Hammerers pursued and were handed a flank charge on my generals unit which had unwisely decided not to reform (having just finished with the Slayers) in anticipation of this. Dead Orcs/Gobbos all over the place, broken, run down, ashamed at my lack of intelligence. Realised with horror that, in using Orcs and Goblins, I was now playing like an Orc! In the same turn my other unit with Shaman and Black Orc Hero ran through the Longbeards/Dwarf BSB. Swings and roundabouts time boys and girls.

Chased the Runesmith off the board and magic got me the Master Engineer (squish). Smashed a Bolt Thrower in combat and the other one with a shot from the Rocklobber. The Arrer Boyz deployed in a building, failed Animosity twice on a 1, threw some near-awesome shooting into the Hammerers (killed 3 with 10 shots! Amazing!), then failed Animosity again,left the building and ended up charging the Hammerers and getting whipped.

A win to Mark in the end by about 300VPs. Good bash though - I reckon O&Gs are perfect for the Beerhammer that is 8th edition. We had a blast!

Things I learnt in summary:

- units of 20 Dwarfs are tough, doesn't matter whether they have. The 20 Thunderers saw off the Chariots and the buggers fled in the last turn, surviving under half strength
- two Hammerers survived the game. Starting to think twice about the lack of 1/2 strength and not gaining points for fleeing enemy units at the end of the game (Thunderers, Arrer Boyz were both fleeing at the end)
- Shagga's is awesome when it gives your character 6 str7 attacks
- Trolls are awesome. But even Trolls can't face down 20 Thunderers and two magical Bolt Throwers
- don't even risk Khemrian Quicksand. Easiest way to lose a Giant I've ever seen :(
- Fanatics are good fun. Even when they throw themselves into reverse and careen through your own troops
- I understand a bit more how people feel about Animosity
- I need to play with the army more to remember the toys I've given it (Preservation, Nets!!) and the instrinsic abilities (Choppas, Waagh! - good grief I completely forgot about it... Actually as I write this I realise Mark completely forgot Dwarfs have Hatred against Greenskins!!! Argh!)
- my goodness but Spear Chukkas suck
- str3 Stonethrowers are average. Took a toll (about 5 Slayers, Bolt Thrower... the rest of the time it scattered unfortunately) but nowhere near as much as it would have in 7th with higher strength. I can see multiple stonethrowers being more of a threat. Then again, I was shooting at Dwarfs :/

Keen to try the Greenies again - pretty hilarious if you can learn to laugh at your own crappy rolling and extremely mediocre troops screwing you with random movement :)