Monday, January 19, 2009

Dirty Dogs Take One - FluffyCon playtesting

So Antony turned up for a couple of games as planned. We popped out for Fush and Chups for dinner and discussed his list. My apologies, the earlier list in the previous post was somewhat outdated. His list was (and this is still "ish" and from memory) thusly:

Mercenary General (Lord character) - barded warhorse, flail, shield
Paymaster (which as it turns out I was right - a BSB, makes the Bodyguard Stubborn, Panic check if he dies - excellent!) - Enchanted Shield
2 x Level 2 Hired Mages with a Scroll each

2 x 20 Pikes - FC, light armour
2 x 8 and 1 x 9 Duellists - musicians
6 Knights - FC, barding
6 Knights - FC
2 x 10 Crossbows

Baby Cannon
19 or so Paymasters Bodyguard - FC, light armour, Warbanner

It's a pretty soft list unless you charge the Pikes in the front. Then you die.

I'd like to spare Antony the nostalgia of this game by simply saying the Empire won and he capitulated at the end of turn 5 so we could play another game. I played awesome, he played like poo. My dice skills were beyond compare, he couldn't roll his way out of a wet paper bag.


Sorry that's not much of a report. It was a pretty brutal game. I came away with this:

I learnt that if you kill the Paymaster (say by forcing the Bodyguard to charge your Swordsmen and counter-charging with a detachment and then hitting the other flank with a unit of... oh I don't know... let's say Flagellents... then you kill BUCKETS of Bodyguard models and he fails Stubborn on 8 twice. Oh and let's also say he charged his General into the combat too - solo - and he broke and ran) then most of the army will just run away.

I also confirmed that Duellists are the huge pain in the ass that I thought they would be. Bah.

Huntsmen (when you actually deploy them) can make a difference!

Panic sucks. Ok, I already knew this but it kind of hurts to watch someone else lose a unit of Knights off the board to a failed Panic check.

20-0. 'Nuff said.

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