Saturday, January 24, 2009

Bad habits - FluffyCon playtesting

Nick and I managed two games on Friday night.

The first, against the Dwarfs, was really quick - to be expected I suppose when the opposing army only particpates in the movement and combat phases (if any). The Flagellents did a good job of tying up two Warrior units and one was reduced to half strength. Almost one Warrior unit went down (left a single survivor that I didn't have the resources to chase down) and 1/2 the Miners who didn't make combat thanks to some judicious "tactical retreating" from the Mortar and Handgunners.

The Slayers died before making combat.

Unfortunately I struggled to make an impact on the three tough blocks and despite a last turn charge Nick passed rerolled break checks for all three (Longbeards, Ironbreakers, Hammerers) and the end result was (surprise surprise) a draw.

Fortunately he'd also brought along yet another fluffy incarnation of Wood Elves so we got another game. This one proved to be much more interesting.

2 x L1 casters (one is the General)
7 (?) Wardancers
10 Gladeguard
10 Scounts
2 x 6 Wildriders
2 x 10 Dryads
4 Treekin

In short I was mercilessly crushed (a 16-4 loss; once again pleasantly surprised that even when you're getting your butt kicked all over the pitch it's possible to make up/conserve enough points to mitigate a complete thrashing). A handy IF Fiery Blast coupled with a daring cannon shot did for the Treeman on the one occasion he put himself in LOS to the cannon (hehehe) and after a tense combat a depleted unit of Wildriders and the Wardancers fell to the Swordsmen and Empire General.

Fear and Terror were a big issue - I lost the Reiksguard and Priest to Terror from the Treeman and a subsequent chasing charge from some Wildriders hounding them off the board before they could rally. Shooting from the Scouts was intense as I quickly lost the Crossbowmen. The Huntsmen fell to an uber-Eagle of Doom although with some satisfaction the surviving member of the Mortar crew hit it over the head with a sack of gunpowder and killed it (just before he buggered off thanks to some outnumbering, Fear-causing Dryads).

The BSB and Spearmen were led into a lovely trap whereby they took Treekin in the front and Dryads in the back - autobreaking as a result of outnumbering by the Fear-causing enemy (and the 11 casualties they inflicted with their charge!).

The Flagellents were REAMED by the Wardancers - totally and utterly creamed. Makes me look forward to playing against two units of 8 when I play Pommy Dave on Monday night. Ick.

Post-battle discussion highlighted two things which have become a worringly bad habit:

- thinking Empire troops are on par with... anything. They aren't.
- needlessly baiting/fleeing when I would be better off just charging (with GW-Knights) or redploying (with Pistoliers).

Of course Nick is a great player so no shame in taking such a significant loss (I had my share of bad luck but that'll happen sometimes - can't blame the dice!) but I was a bit miffed at my lack of form. Made a LOT of mistakes that he had to pull me up on - might be getting Warhammered out I think.

Thank goodness work is starting again shortly :-)

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