Monday, January 19, 2009

Dirty Dogs Take Two - FluffyCon playtesting

The night was young and Antony was keen to make amends for his poor generalship by giving me the pleasure of an immediate rematch. Full of heady confidence and with a head swollen with self-importance and egomania I gladly accepted.

This turned out to be a MUCH closer game - a draw in fact!

Antony took out a unit of Duellists and replaced them with heavy armour for the blocks and bulked up the other Duellist units a bit (2 x 10 in this game). He refused flank with the blocks and barded knights on his left, shooting in the centre and some annoyance Duellists and unbarded Knights on the right. I worked hard to hold back on my right (his left) with the Swords and Reikguard while the Spears and Flagellents sped around an intervening forest.

In turn one our Generals were in combat - his failing a charge against the Huntsmen and accompanying Wizard and taking the charge from mine. Even flanked by some Duellists my brave General hung in there, gradually allowing the Spears and Flaggies to close. Then Ant killed him with a Steal Soul (failed to dispel on 3 dice) and Rule of Burning Iron (FAQ'd and now allowed to be cast into combat). Dammit. I knew his cheesey 6PD magic phase would give me trouble :-)

The right flank turned to custard, the Swords eventually run down by the Barded Knights after they were flanked by some Pikes (couldn't break the Knights quickly enough). The Knights scored the unit banner and Battle Standard but in their pursuit almost met the Flagellents. They fled the subsequent Flagellent charge, failed to rally (needing 10) and hit the Reiksguard who had eventually charged the Paymasters Bodyguard in the front (having previously fled their charge). Excellent.

But there was better to come. In a challenge (over three rounds of combat) my Reiksguard Champion killed the Paymaster - woo! The Mercenary General legged (yay!) but rallied in the last turn (boo!). The Bodyguard lost combat and broke, the victorious Reiksguard, having reclaimed the fallen banners of their comrades, were only too happy to collect the enemy unit's standard and Battle Standard.

In the end I was up by about 70VPs, clearly a draw. At one point I had more units running away than standing so it was nice to recover from a few disasters along the way!

Hoping to catch up with The Big Man's (Ray) Dark Elves this week and of course Big Nick (lots of big around at the moment...) and his Dwarfs on Friday.

What it is to still be on holiday (just)!

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