Friday, January 9, 2009

Does the first game of the year define your chances of making it to the Masters? - FluffyCon playtesting

Derick popped over for dinner and a game last night which was great because:

- Derick's a great guy
- Derick's army is a lot of fun to play
- Derick thrashed me last time we played and I've been looking for the opportunity for REVENGE!

Fortunately I've fluffed my list up even more since our last game and as we all know, he with the fluffiest list will always win in the end. Yeah right.

There were a couple of key moments in this game which led to a close win (by around 500VPs) to me:

- The Reiksguard Knights and accompanying Warrior Priest got a sweet flank charge off on the Orc General's unit of Savage Orc Boar Boyz. The Orcs lost by 3 and fled, getting run down and allowing me an overrun in the Savage Orc L4 Shaman sitting in a forest next to them. He got taken out in short order and the Knights took a charge from the remainder of the other SO Boar unit (the Champion and a character) who failed to make a dent and were crossfired by some conveniently placed Pistoliers.

- My inability to deal with the Giant quickly and cheaply cost me two blocks. I hate Giants. Passing Terror and then a Fear check my Spearmen led by the General charged into the lumbering brute and caused 2 wounds (Sword of Might for the win!). The Giant promptly rolled up 'Yell and Bawl' (wins the combat by 2). Of course I failed the break check and was cut down. The Swordsmen took a beating a few turns later and were wiped out - fortunately the BSB saw it coming and bailed at the last moment.

The GW-Knights proved their fluffiness dying to a Goblin chariot after running out of room to run away from it. After all my worrying about the accursed Squig Herd I managed to kill the eventual survivors off completely thereby negating their expected explosion, which was a pity as they were placed nicely to obliterate two Spider Rider units in their death throes.

I completely forgot to deploy an entire unit (Huntsmen). Newb syndrome. Ugh.

I'm having a great deal of trouble with Orcs and Goblins at the moment and despite the fact I triumphed in this game and had a lot of fun my confidence is not wholly bouyed by my recent success.

I've started thinking further afield about the Empire army - beyond FluffyCon to what else is on offer this year. The plan is to make at least one Wellington tournament so a 2250pt list will eventually need some close consideration. Derick proved his awesomeness by giving me a swag of Empire stuff he's just brought back from Oz including 30 Swordsmen, 4 Knights and a smattering of bits to make up some detachments (and a bag of other stuff too! Legend!) so it's time to look at painting up some more stuff (another block of 25 Swords and buffing up the current unit to 25 would be sweet). Problem is I just can't see what I would add and I really dont want to cheese up the army to compete in a regular tournament environment having worked so hard with the comparitively "toned down" list.

I'm wondering if it might be possible to win with a Captain-led Ld8 army in a standard tournament? With no Rares.

Not kidding myself too much though. I'll definitely be taking another Great Cannon!

EDIT - woot! First post of 2009! Does anyone still read this rubbish? :-)


Mike said...

I read it, I like it. It might be a little sad that I get a little shot of happiness every time i see there's a fujin post.
Thanks for writing.

Unknown said...

Mike! No way!

Happy New Year buddy! :-)