Having said all that, Dave's Bretts I just do not get. Just don't understand them. So in search of the cheese that Brettonians are supposedly legendary for - the sort of cheese I've been so consistently beaten by - I went to the master of all that is broken lists, Mr Kitson*. Antony happily (albeit with great caution) has lent me his Bretts and they are a quite different monster to Daves. In fact, for a start, they have a monster!
I've tweaked the list a bit more, making it extra hard. I'm not really one for taking hard lists generally (at least I don't think so...) but this somehow feels right.
2250 Brettonian list of DOOOOOOM!
Bretonnian Lord (390) - Knightly Vow, Heartwood Lance, Enchanted Shield, Virtue of Discipline, Tress of Isoulde, Hippogryph
Sweet! Finally, a big, nasty, flying Terror-causing beastie to play around with!
1 Paladin Battle Standard Bearer (124) - Battle Standard Bearer, Knightly Vow, Sword of Might, Virtue of Duty
1 Paladin (130) - Lance, Shield, Knightly Vow, Gromril Great Helm, Virtue of Purity
1 Damsel of the Lady (120) - The Silver Mirror, horse
1 Damsel of the Lady (105) - Dispel Scroll, horse
5 Grail Knights (230) - Banner of Chalons
3 Pegasus Knights (165)
5 Mounted Yeomen (87) - Shields, Musician
5 Mounted Yeomen (87) - Shields, Musician
7 Knights of the Realm (217) - Warbanner
6 Knights of the Realm
8 Knights Errant (201) - Errantry Banner
25 Men-at-Arms (140) - Standard, Musician
10 Peasant Bowmen (85) - Skirmishers, Standard, Musician
Casting Pool: 4
Dispel Pool: 4
Models in Army: 80
Total Army Cost: 2249
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