Friday, October 3, 2008

Brettonians rewrite - a better Brett

I'd like to preface this by thanking Dave Grant for lending me his army both during Fields of Blood (Lizards) and after Fields of Blood (Brettonians). Dave has taught me a lot about the game (most recently last night at Dougs when he turned a devastating massacre against Nick into a mediocre draw because, well... that's his playstyle... - he calls it trying to kill every model in the enemy army; I call it over-reaching) with his enthusiastic dialogue on "tactics", "experimental" army design (what did happen to that Chieftain on Steg Lizard army with 9 - or was it 12 - Krox?), and of course the smashing games I've played against him and watched him play against other people. His grand advice helped me pummel Phil (in the nicest way possible) when I needed to the most. Thanks Dave :)

Having said all that, Dave's Bretts I just do not get. Just don't understand them. So in search of the cheese that Brettonians are supposedly legendary for - the sort of cheese I've been so consistently beaten by - I went to the master of all that is broken lists, Mr Kitson*. Antony happily (albeit with great caution) has lent me his Bretts and they are a quite different monster to Daves. In fact, for a start, they have a monster!

I've tweaked the list a bit more, making it extra hard. I'm not really one for taking hard lists generally (at least I don't think so...) but this somehow feels right.

2250 Brettonian list of DOOOOOOM!

Bretonnian Lord (390) - Knightly Vow, Heartwood Lance, Enchanted Shield, Virtue of Discipline, Tress of Isoulde, Hippogryph

Sweet! Finally, a big, nasty, flying Terror-causing beastie to play around with!

1 Paladin Battle Standard Bearer (124) - Battle Standard Bearer, Knightly Vow, Sword of Might, Virtue of Duty
1 Paladin (130) - Lance, Shield, Knightly Vow, Gromril Great Helm, Virtue of Purity
1 Damsel of the Lady (120) - The Silver Mirror, horse
1 Damsel of the Lady (105) - Dispel Scroll, horse

5 Grail Knights (230) - Banner of Chalons

3 Pegasus Knights (165)
5 Mounted Yeomen (87) - Shields, Musician
5 Mounted Yeomen (87) - Shields, Musician

7 Knights of the Realm (217) - Warbanner
6 Knights of the Realm
8 Knights Errant (201) - Errantry Banner
25 Men-at-Arms (140) - Standard, Musician
10 Peasant Bowmen (85) - Skirmishers, Standard, Musician

Casting Pool: 4
Dispel Pool: 4
Models in Army: 80
Total Army Cost: 2249

* Sorry, not true. Simon is now the master black belt of broken lists.

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