The Lads - led by The Venerable, Old and Wise Nick Buckby - have been discussing the possibility of a WHFB tournament at Battlecry in February. Excellent. The draft player's pack looks great too.
Word on the street is that the points cap will be 2K and despite the fun I'm having with the Knights I getting a hankering for a return to Stuntyville. The possible changes from my 2250pt list are rather simple but I might take the opportunity to try a few other things out. The biggest (and easiest) change is to just take out the Dwarf Lord on Shieldbearers. For a 2000pt game he's really a giant points sink I can't afford (something like 280pts if I remember correctly). This won't worry the Dwarfs too much as they will still be Ld9 - a huge advantage for an army not taking a Lord option, although it doesn substantially reduce killing power in combat. If I drop some Hammerers (slightly less reliable without the Lord) I could slot in a Slayer character which could be amusing, or another Thane to act as a General (instead of the Runesmith).
The other interesting thing about the Battlecry tournament is the 'hard cap' that will be applied to lists before they are actually comp-scored. In a way this is like objective comp scoring but it's more like a first step before a subjective process. Examples of the hard cap include no duplicate Rares, max 44 models with shooting capability and so on. A great idea I think as one of the reasons for the tournament is to encourage new players into the scene (and softer/friendlier armies are a way of doing this).
All in all I'm very excited about the prospect of a 2ooopt tournament. OTT (Over-The-Top) is down in Hamilton the week before Battlecry and I think I'll take Bretts to that so they get at least one run in a tournament next year.
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