Sunday, October 5, 2008

Brettonians 3 (Orcs is da best)

Brettonians are not... at least not this time.

Played Scott's magic/chaff-heavy Orcs and Gobbos on Sunday. Something like this:

L4 Shaman
L2 Shaman
L2 Shaman
BSB on Boar
Black Orc block
2 Orc Boyz blocks
5 Trolls
3 x 20 Night Gobbo Archers with 2 Fanatics each
2 Pump Wagons
2 Wolf Chariots
2 5-Strong Wolf Riders
2 bloody Bolt Throwers (sum total of these being 70pts)

The game started with Scott querying the fact I had five characters and asking me to point out the rule that allowed this. Despite my own protestations and claims of having seen numerous Brett armies (e.g. Marcello's Bretts which he has not only used for years but has also taken to more tournaments than I've been playing toy soldiers) with 5 characters he was not convinced. Antony shortly put him in his place with a derisive scoff.

I knew it was going to be a duff game when in Scott's first turn ONE Bolt Thrower killed 3 Realm Knights from the bus (containing Damsel and BSB) and they panicked and fled off the table, taking some nearby Yeoman with them. Excellent. Over the course of the game the Bolties tagged - the Realm bus/Yeoman, 2 Errants in the last turn which panicked the unit and took them below 25%, 2 Grail Knights (of the two they could kill) and the Hippogryph. Bugger. A good 800pts there are least.

Magic did for me - my meagre 3 dispel dice (after the first Damsel had legged it with the Realms) couldn't hold off the awful Greenskin magic phases. Scott assured me however this was the toned down list :) Ouch.

By the end of the game I had nothing left - well ok, the Errants were on the table but they were busy running away. I'd managed to kill off most of the chaff in Scott's army but all his blocks, a unit of Gobbos, the accuresed Bolt Throwers and the Trolls were still fine. Horrors. Terrible game, worse for the fact that I learnt nothing more than - avoid Bolt Throwers where possible, and if you're having a bad luck day then you are fairly screwed no matter what you try. Sigh...

The best part of the experience was watching Antony's heart break as he saw his models being casually butchered.

Well, I have a game lined up against Phil's High Elves (not Star Dragon Phil) next Sunday so that should be fun. After all, how good could Elven Bolt Throwers be?

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