Saturday, October 25, 2008

Brettonians 7 (Grimlock smash!)

Actually that's a bit misleading because I wasn't playing Empire (with a Mace of Helstrum wielding Arch-Lector), I was playing Dave's/Doug's/Dan's Ogres. Still felt like Grimlock smash! though.

I learnt in this game (I would like to remind you dear reader that yes, I am still learning how to play this game) the value of being able to "out-chaff" your opponent. I was severely out-chaffed.

Dave had an excellent plan that saw all his Leadbelcher bait on one flank, the Hunter and Gnoblars on the other (2 units of Trappers using his Ld9 in the same manner as a General!) and most everything else in the middle. As he mentioned afterwards, having 3 immune to panic units in the centre (Slave Giant, Maneaters, Ironguts with BSB rerolling psych tests - essentially immune) is a most helpful buff to the army overall. The Leadbelchers swept majestically down my left flank, shot up the Grail Knights and promptly parked themselves in the way of my strike units (the 2 9-strong lance formations). Charge them - they flee. Stay - get shot and/or the rest of the army closes for the charge. Result? Out-chaffed.

So where were the Men-At-Arms and Yeoman and the little Realms? Faffing about trying to beat up the Gnoblar block and Trappers! They promptly did this (a later charge and overrun saw off one of the Trapper units and the Sabretusks) but were then forced to charge the Ironguts and their BSB mate. Despite the Men-At-Arms hitting their flank at the same time the writing was on the wall and the following turn both units were smashed.

The Brett General threw himself away trying to charge some Bulls who fled. Hunter in the flank = dead Large Target on a stick mate. Hippogryphs are NOT Dragons. Lesson learnt, tick that box.

The Peg Knights were very nearly knights of the match. After taking a charge from the Maneaters and accompanying Butcher and General (and only losing one wound) they fled and rallied. Fled their charge the second time. Rallied and charged them, winning by 2 (!!!) but failing to break them (Maneaters are Stubborn etc). Curses. We reckoned that would have been something like a 1000pt swing (Maneaters, General, Butcher, General-killing bonus, and the two banners they captured earlier) but it just wasn't to be. A surviving Peg broke in the last turn but rallied in mine so at least they survived (albeit below half strength). And even if I had beat them (which would have been damn awesome) I still would have lost by around 400-500pts at least.


So a hard lesson against a better player but then games against Dave are always highly educational and enjoyable (and much appreciated - thanks mate for giving me a call and coming over!).

This afternoon's game against Lezle's Vampire Counts should be interesting. Failed Fear and Terror checks playing the Ogres have me wondering how I might fare against one of the army masters of all fear-causers. Lezle's Lord flies around (quite bravely) on an Abyssal Terror. So... how about a bit of one-on-one boss killing action Lezle? :-) We're definitely going to have some Knight-on-Knight action and I know from experience how hard Blood Knights are!

Oh yeah... woopah! 50 posts!

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