Doug had a couple of friends over during the day who were not necesarily new to Fantasy but had perhaps limited experience against a wider variety of armies and opponents. I was happy to oblige one of these friends (Alan) and even happier to swap with Doug and use his Chaos Mortals army (he tried the Dwarfs against Dave's TKs - a game I had declined to everyone's amusement).
The change from Dwarfs to Chaos was certainly an exciting one! Doug had:
Exalted on barded Steed (only Hero choice in the army)
Big Warrior block
Little Warrior block
Little block of Chosen with Warbanner
2 Marauder Horse units
3 Spawn
6 or so Forsaken
4 units of dogs (one of which was mutated - poison attacks and a 6+ armour save)
Alan was using Beastmen.
To briefly summarise I won the game after losing the Chariot and big Warrior block to some Bestigor and nasty Minotaurs led by a Doombull. Pretty much everything else in Alan's army died off quickly but I couldn't move quick enough to catch up with the cowardly (but deadly) surviving units.
The Knights were AWESOME. Nothing in Doug's army was marked but they were extremely kick-ass. They demonstrated this in their next game against Reid's Daemons, taking a charge from a unit of Fiends and killing them off at the loss of one Knight.
The multiple units of Hounds, combined with some fortunate rally tests really put the kibosh on Alan's charges. Bait/flee, rinse, repeat, smash. Excellent.
The Spawn were amusing and frustrating (for both of us - Alan had a couple too).
Chosen are INSANE (this too was demonstrated in Doug's following game against Reid).
Overall, a fun game against an enthusiastic opponent. Certainly wasn't clear cut as I struggled to maneouver my fast and hitty elements painfully slowly around the flanks as the horrible Minotaurs reaped a high tally in the centre.
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