Friday, December 5, 2008

Farewell to a Legend - Game One (Nick Snr)

Lol, Nick Snr. He's going to kick my ass for that.

Nick and I are often in touch via email discussing Warhammer and it's intricacies and characters. He's a great guy and a great player. I faced Nick at Fields of Blood (Lizards vs Woodies) and came away with a convincing win. We hadn't played since and this looked to be a good opportunity as we were both trying out "fluffy" lists (the only restriction of the day was that lists/armies had to conform to FluffyCon guidelines.

Nick was fielding Orcs and Goblins which Dwarfs should have an advantage against. Of course I blew it in good old Stunty fashion... :/

The O&G army was frankly enormous, including:

Orc Shaman
Black Orc BSB with killy gear
2 Big Night Gobbo blocks (with a couple of Fanatics each)
2 Big Orc blocks and another block of Orc Archers
Couple chariots
4 Trolls
Couple of Wolfboy units
2 bolties and a Stonethrower

The key issue was a couple of forests in the middle where the main fight would obviously take place but it would be damn difficult to get multiple units involved due to all the difficult terrain.

I ended up losing the game by about 250VPs or slightly more. The small Warrior units were pretty hopeless, wandering back and forth for most of the game, unable to get the flanks of the Orc blocks that they so desperately wanted. The Cannon and Grudgethrower did some good work, taking out the Orc Stonethrower, a chariot and bits and pieces of a couple of units. Getting into a shooting match with 25 Night Goblins when you are standing on a hill is definitely a bad idea (a lone Quarreller survived this uneven duel). My hate of Giants was reaffirmed as the Rangers fled in Terror and were run down and the Giant got into the back of the Hammerers. He was eventually toppled by the Thane General. The Longbeards did well, holding against an Orc block in their flank and beating off the Trolls but breaking in the last turn.

The Miners and big Warrior block were fairly hopeless, managing to take out a Night Gobbo block and the Orc Archers but just being too slow to catch the O&G artillery on a hill.

A well-deserved win to Nick who playing to his strengths. Miscasting with his Shaman three times and surviving nicely helped too :-) (I thought they were supposed to explode!?)

Oh... and I forgot Hatred for most of the game as usual. At least I'm consistent (at being inconsistent).

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