Monday, September 15, 2008

Fields of Blood - Round Four vs Scott Robinson

Woopah - my third Elven army and my third Dragon. How lucky is that?!

Scott and I had played quite recently at KnockOut tournament at CityGuard where I walloped this same army (a win by just over 1000VPs) with the Lizards so it was rematch time and Scott was out for vengeance. In that game his general had survived and I determined that come hell or high water, that be-yatch was going to die this time.

Scott had:

Supreme Sorceress - L4, Focus Familiar, Pendant, Black Dragon
Sorceress - L2, Tome of Furion
Master - BSB, Hydra Banner, Cold One, HA, Shield, Sea Dragon Cloak, Lance
10 RXB Warriors
10 RXB Warriors
10 RXB Warriors
7 Cold One Knights with banner of ASF and full command
7 Cold One Knights - full command
6 Shades - additional hand weapons
Bsneaky Assassin - Touch of Death, Rune of Khaine, additonal hand weapon

Scott was wise to my character assassination (Burning Iron and Steal Soul + Banehead) techniques that in our previous game had taken out his Master so he was ultra-cagey in hiding him behind big stuff and trying to dispel Burning Iron.

The Priest rolled up Comet and Portent, the Slann rolled up Burning Iron, Creeping Death (excellent), Steed of Shadows, Steal Soul (excellent) and Unseen Lurker (out-friggin-standing). Looking at my spell selection and all the str3 shooting I would muster I figured what the hell, I'll try and shoot the Super-Sorceress to pieces if the opportunity arises. Anything that randomised onto her would wound on a 4+ and Scott would be saving on a 1 or a 2 so it was worth a go.

Game highlights were:

Black Horror eating 9 Saurus before I'd had a turn (sucks to have no dispel scrolls sometimes).20 poisoned shots, 14 Salamander hits and 14 Creeping Death hits failing to either randomise onto, wound or kill the Supreme Sorceress. Ended up with one wound left. Got her a couple of turns later (ha! yes!), Dragon failed leadership for monster reaction and was subject to Stupidity which it failed twice it turns 5 and 6 saving my bacon and a heap of points.

Steg (after failing to cast Unseen Lurker) being charged by one unit of Cold Ones to the front and the other to the flank. Steg died a horrible death. Cold Ones in the front overran just in time to hit the front of...

A unit of Krox who were hit in one flank by the Dragon and the other by the Hydra. Once the big lads had a shot the Cold Ones had minimal cleaning up to do before overrunning (again) and hitting the Cold One Scar-Vet who took them apart over the next couple of turns (-4 to their armour save being somewhat detrimental).

Salamanders vapourising the Hydra wth 5 wounds, Scott failing all his saves, and the flaming nature of the attacks (after checking the Lizard FAQ) preventing it from regenerating.

The other four Krox charging 10 RXB Warriors revealing that damned Assassin (who gave me considerable grief in the last game, dismantling the Sallies single-handedly). The Krox went up to 10, RXB Warriors (what was left anyway) auto-broke and fled, failed to rally and carried the nasty Assassin off the board. The same unit of Krox then charged, beat and failed to catch another unit of RXB Warriors for 3 turns (they rallied each turn, were recharged, did their stand-and-shoot - yes my pursuit rolls were that bad! - lost, auto-broke, fled, rallied. Rinse and repeat). The thrice-damned (literally) RXB Warriors survived the game (albeit under half strength).

The other unit of RXB Warriors were busy being a somewhat flimsy bunker for the L2 Sorceress. A Salamander volley and the ninja Skinks of doom put paid to that idea - the last RXB Warrior and accompanying Sorceress spent the rest of the game running away, unable to rally.

Scott's last chance to take out the Krox chasing RXB Warriors in his deployment zone with his Cold One Knights (BSB dead to Burning Iron - hehehe) but they are redirected by 4 Skinks. Skinks are run down but Cold One Knights miss the Krox. Last turn of the game the Slann, who has been hiding from the Hyrda in a forest Unseen Lurkers himself into the open, casts Creeping Death, kills 2 and panics them off the board.

17-3 win. Scott is left with the stupid riderless Dragon (contesting a quarter) and 4 RXB Warriors but I've taken a bit of a hiding myself losing one Krox unit and half of another, the Steg, shedloads of Skinks and 1/2 of the Saurus. All the heroes survived - the only game I managed this. A win to me by something like 1400+VPs, an improvment on my last game against him and YES - I managed to kill the flying witch.

I'm on the comeback trail now but I know the next opponent is going to be a tough one. Looked like it might be Reid, Tony, Antony or would I possibly draw...

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