Friday, September 19, 2008

Brettonians 1 (Scourge of the Skaven)

Nick came round for a game tonight - back to Skaven after having a muck around with Dwarfs at Fields. Nick's list is MUCH nastier now with a few important changes - this is no bad thing; I found his preious list simply too easy to overcome.

Warlord - Weeping Blade, Enchanted Shield
BSB - Warbanner
Warlock - standard kit
Warlock - standard kit
3 units of Clanrats - full command, 2 with Ratling Guns, 1 Warpfire Thrower
3 units of Slaves
Big Plaguemonk block - Banner of burning Hatred
Bunch of (7?) Plague Censer Bearers
2 Globadiers
2 Globadiers
5 Jezzails
5 Jezzails
5 Tunnellers - poisoned hand weapons
Warp Lightning Cannon

The majority of the discussion after the game focussed on the equipment carried by the Warlord. Nick is going to try Languisher Sword, Enchanted Shield and Bands of Power for a while and see how that works out.

Meanwhile I was struggling along with Dave's bizarre Brettonian list which is just so foreign to me - I might as well have been playing a different game! The one change I made (was able to make with the models I have) was swap out Virtue of Killing Blow on Large Targets for the ignore outnumbering one (Discipline) and give one of the Damsels a scroll.

So it looked like this:

Lord - Barded Steed, Virtue of Discipline, Grail Vow, Lance, Shield, Gromril Great Helm, Mantle of the Damsel
Paladin - Pegasus, Grail Vow, Enchanted Shield, Wyrmlance
Paladin - Barded Steed, Questing Vow, Insignia of the Quest, Sword of Might, Battle Standard
Damsel - Steed, Silver Mirror
Damsel - Level 2, Prayer Icon of Quennelles, Dispel Scroll
6 x Knights of the Realm - Full command
20 x Skirmishing Archers - Full command, Braziers
7 x Questing Knights - Full command, Warbanner
3 x Pegasus Knights
5 x Mounted Yeoman - Shields, Musician
Grail Relique - 6 Battle Pilgrims
6 x Grail Knights - Full command, Banner of Chalons
25 x Men-at-Arms, Standard, Musician

What weirded me out was:

Minimum Relique of stubborn guys - just no idea how to use them. Charged a SLAVE block, fluffed, broke (BSB busy elsewhere - I guess this is the problem), run down.

How flippin expensive 6 Grail Knights are, especially when you are facing a Warp Lightning Cannon, 10 Jezzails and 4 Poison Globes.

20 Skirmishing Archers - seriously, wtf? I just don't get this.

Questing Knights - str5 mounted great weapons.

The army wasn't nearly as monumentally hard as I thought Brettonians to be - in fact it seemed incredibly fragile. The Blessing of the Lady was pants and just wouldn't work for me (funny, it always seems to work for my opponents when I'm the one playing against Brettonians!).

I managed to weather a couple of turns of shooting (painful turns they were too!) before getting off a raft of charges. Pegs (Censer Bearers), Grails and Mounted Yeoman and Questors (those three all into the Plaguemonks; Questors in their flank), Realms (Tunnellers), Peg hero (Globadiers), Relique into Slave block. Everything except the Relique caused immense casualties which was satisfying (something like 18 dead Plaguemonks on the charge, 4 Censer Bearers (1 self-inflicted), 2 Globes, 5 Tunnellers - panicked Slaves near to them). Realms got an overrun into a Clanrat block but in my eagerness to run down the Plaguemonks the Grails and Yeoman trapped themselves facing a forest and the reforming was painfully slow. The Questors eventually held back to get the charge against some poorly aligned Slaves, managed to restrain pursuing them, and got a vicious last turn charge into the Skaven General's Clanrat block (without the BSB being nearby). Skaven General (3 wounds) and 3 rats were blitzed and combined with static res of 3 (rank, standard, battle standard) and ignoring the Skaven outnumbering they botched the break test and were run down.

We totally up and it was a draw (179VP difference) which I suppose given my ineptitude was quite pleasing. I think I'll ask Antony if I can borrow his Brettonians - I can make Dave's work for me (they obviously work for him so it can't be a bad army - just a bad player!) but what I really want (and haven't used in Fantasy yet) is a nice big flying Terror-causing beastie. Antony has just the thing (boss on Hippo). Having had a taste of the flying charge (Pegs and Peg-mounted hero) I'd be keen to explore this area further. My one remaining Peg Knight (after the somewhat disastrous charge into the Censer Bearers which killed off two) went on to charge and run down the Warp Lightning Cannon and Warpfire Thrower - ended up overrunning into the flank of a Slave block and bit off more static res than he could chew).

Anyway, despite my initial misgivings I think I'll be sticking with the horsey-lads for a while yet. They are clearly an army to be feared and respected - if they can get the charge :)

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