Sunday, August 24, 2008

Kicking a man when he's down... no way to win at Warhammer

Sunday saw a pre-arranged game with Craig and his Skaven horde. I love playing Skaven - the unpredictability can prove most entertaining. These Skaven were perhaps less unpredictable than most but I still got a few shocks.

Craig had the serious misfortune of being hit by a car a couple of weeks ago (I say that fairly casually; it's actually appalling - poor guy!) and as a result had a steel plate inserted into his right shoulder. Being right-handed and unable to use his right hand combined with the fact he was using a horde army made the whole experience a little painful for the both of us. It hurt just to watch him roll the dice!

After throwing away some Skinks and Kroxigor for no other reason than gross stupidity we got down to the serious business of a huge scrap in the centre (which Craig assures me he had planned all along). Were it not for my Cold One Scar-Vet the Saurus and Slann would have fled in the first round (outnumbering + Sacred Standard of the Horned Rat = bye bye) but the Cold-One made the Saurus feel invincible. And so they proved as they bravely hacked down Slaves and Clanrats. A rear-charge into said Clanrats by the highly mobile Salamanders broke the back of the combat (after 4-5 rounds) and the subsequent pursuit netted me the Skaven BSB, a handily placed unit of Skinks cutting down the Slaves as they tried to escape. The Salamanders bravely took the charge of the Warlord and his unit of Stormvermin in the last turn and were broken but I still managed a win by around 670VPs. I was fortunate enough to collect 2 banners through the massed combat.

The Saurus were impressive and really dealt out the combat res I needed to stay in the game.

Spell of the game - Doom and Darkness. I love this spell. Marry it, have it's babies. Love it! Cast on the Stormvermin it helped them fail a fear check to charge the remaining Krox. Cast on the Slaves at just the right time it helped them break from combat even with their reroll from the BSB and General's leadership. Also had Unseen Lurker but never got it off unfortunately.

I'm finally getting happy with my deployment - they key is the Jag-Vet going on or very near a flank with some Skinks - providing them with his leadership should they need it, but also giving him the option to get Steed of Shadowed if required. He actually had a pretty poor game, running down the Warp-Lightning Cannon (more on that shortly) before failing a charge on the rear of the Slaves by 1/2 an inch (to assassinate the BSB) and getting Ratling Gunned to death.

The Warp-Lightning Cannon - omg. I've never considered these things that big of a deal. Until with one str10 shot it completely vapourised the Steg! Man that hurt. Suddenly there's this huge gaping hole in the middle of my line. Caused me to fail Stupidity (self) and charge some Krox into the front of a static 5 Clanrat block. Oh the humanity.

Still, a win's a win and I'll have a measure of confidence going into the game should I face Craig again at Fields of Blood.

Oh yeah, in other news - I drew Simon's DIRTY Daemons for the next round of the KnockOut, almost assuring my exit from that particular tournament.

One more thing - Phil Comins has grudged me round one of Fields. Excellent. I've not yet played Phil and his beautifully painted High Elves so this will be an awesome game and one I am REALLY looking forward to. Three weeks to go!

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