Saturday, August 30, 2008

Daemons + KnockOut = Knocked Out

Caught up with good old Simon for our KnockOut match at City Guard today. I was hoping (?) to play his Fields of Blood army (which is Daemons) but, tking advantage of the fact that there are no comp restrictions for the KnockOut, Simon opted to take a somewhat harder Daemon list. Specifically:

Bloodthirster with gear (str7, immortal fury)
2 Khorne Heralds on Juggernaughts
Tzeentch Herald
2 units of 5 Flesh Hounds
3 x 12 (?) Horrors
3 Nurglings
2 x 5 Flamers

I didn't feel this was an overly hard army - the only things that truly worried me were the BT and the potential damage of the Flamers.

The game ran well for a couple of turns - a Khorne Herald hid from the Slann and his smoking gun (Burning Iron + Banehead), a solo charge from the Jag-Vet fluffed but he got away and the Horrors that chased him were subsequently beaten up, fleeing Krox and Skinks managed to rally (just), Sallies put the kibosh on whatever they looked at.

Unfortunately a front charge by some Flesh Hounds and their mate (the other Khorne Herald) totally reamed the Saurus - they broke and I was in deep doo-doo. Seriously. Suddenly I was up to my neck in Nurglings and Bloodthirsters (ok, there was only one but it was still a lot to cope with). I had my fair share of good fortune (2 Salamanders rifling 5 Flamers bring a personal highlight) but in the end it was a loss by 1025VPs - a 15-5 or there abouts in tournament scoring.

What I should have done is man up, challenge the Khorne Herald with my Scar-Vet on Cold One, weather the damage and hope I wasn't Killing Blowed, held agains the charge, and magicked them to death with Cleansing Flare.

No no no - what I should have done is hide in the forest with the Slann, wait for him to come to me, and THEN magic him to death! Ah well...

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