Friday, August 22, 2008

Dark Elves Shmark Elves

So we have this KnockOut tournament dealio happening at City Guard at the moment and, having drawn against Tony Vodanovich for the first round I figured I was looking at an early exit. (Un)Fortunately Tony was unable to make it for our game and so I went through to the next round by default to face Scott Robinson and his girly new Dark Elves.

Scott had:

L4 magic boss on Dragon
L2 on foot
BSB with Hydra banner on Cold One
2 x 7 Cold Ones, one unit with ASF banner
3(!) x 10 RXB warriors
Some shades

And seeing as this was an open list game Scott decided he would neglect to mention the tooled up assassin that was hiding somewhere in there (though I quickly found out where much to my dismay). It seemed an incredibly small army but I realised the shooting potential was silly big and there was going to be some interesting magic happening.

I took the Lizard list I would have taken to CtA if I could have gone (ok, I'm still a little bitter about that). With an uneven number of players at Fields of Blood I will fortunately get my chance to play there to make up the numbers.

Here are the highlights of the game:

Chill Wind 1st turn meant the Salamanders couldn't shoot the Shades in front of them so they charged the Shades with the Jag-Vet. Assassin pops up, strikes first, smashes the Scar-Vet. This combat lasts for 3 game turns - the assassin is the only surivor on both sides.

Steg charges the Hydra in the flank. Wins by 1, breaks it. Tense discussion between Scott and Antony (who was watching and... offering advice) as to the turning to flee of the Hydra. Ended up turning so that it just missed being crossfired by the Salamanders in combat behind it. Didn't quite feel right to me but let it go. Hydra eventually run down by Steg. Steg charged in flank by the assassin. Assassin squashed.

Baneheaded DE BSB dying to Steal Soul. I love this spell and Scott had fought off Burning Iron(running out of dice in the process) so couldn't stop it. Hehe.

Doom and Darkness is awesome on Cold Ones; helping them fail Stupidity :)

Skinks fleeing all over the place. Rear charging RXB Warriors and causing 1 casualty a turn from shooting.

Priest - Passed Terror from Dragon. Celestial Shield (4+ ward) on Krox meant they had only suffered 1 wound by the time the got into combat. Squashed a RXB unit. Krox took charge from dragon in the flank, lost, fled, escaped (!) and rallied in the last turn. Priest survived the game.

Combo-charge against stupid Cold Ones Knights by Saurus block with Slann and full unit of Krox. 3 Knights survive but break. Krox overrun into following CoK unit. Saurus fail by an inch which saves them from certain death. Had they got in the dragon would have rear-charged, negated ranks, killed a huge number of them. Overruning Krox lose two models, break, escape (ha!!!), rally. Are charged by remaining CoKs, hold. CoKs fluff and are ground down. One surviving Krox captures their banner. Gold.

Scar-Vet on Cold One charges rallied CoKs from first combat. They take the charge and are ground down.

Last turn throwing caution and common sense to the wind, Slann casts Unseen Lurker on himself and solo charges 1/2 strength unit of RXB. Breaks them (static 2 - outnumber and battle standard). Wasn't worth the risk in this instance but need to examine scoring to determine the worth of such a move at a tournament.

Win for me by 1000VPs and the satisfaction of beating Scott who I've only played once before but in that game he took a terrible Morghur/Spawn/Warhound Beases list against my Dwarfs so he deserved it :)

Onto the next round. On the table next to us Simon SMASHED Josh with the dirtiest Daemon army I have seen so far - just horrible. Great - either Simon next round or Alex/Antony who are playing each other on Sunday. Funny... must be someone else left... can't think who it is...

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