Looks like there are 37 players involved in FluffyCon - for NZ that's huge! Here are my predictions for the top 10 (the player list is somewhere on the City Guard forums).
16th - as try-hard wannabe top Dave I will waaaaay overreach in this event and my battle scores will alternately skyrocket and plummet as the dice see fit - my opponent's skill level will have absolutely NO impact on the game at all. All my theories about using a ld8 army will fly out the window on at least two occasions as the entire force flees the board. I'll miss round 3 while I'm lynched by engineering students (see below). I'll beat the crap out of Philfy's army when we draw each other accidentally on purpose due to Bignic's supposedly random draw philosophy. Beating Phil will (once again) be the highlight of my tournament. Phil will then be forced to stop posting on the WAU forums having lost all credibility with his so-called followers. I'll play Carl (see below) in round 1 and the thrashing I get in that game will convince me to go back to playing Dwarfs. Or 40k. Either way its boring as hell right?
10th - Derick Williams. Derick will have a roaring good time at this tournament as his army finally finds it's element beating on armies that are actually SOFTER than his! The only thing that will stop Derick placing 1st (or in fact, higher than 10th) is that his Shaman will miscast and explode himself in every game on turn 1, his Doom Diver will kill itself off too and he will forget his strike units are frenzied either failing panic checks he never had to take and fleeing off the board, or forgetting his extra attac in combat. Derick will beat Scott (again) without having to resort to dirty tactics and dodgy play. Good job Scott - you suck.
9th - Phil Wu the Jolly Asian will show Phil C the Daemon-loving Star Dragon wannabe that High Elves really are good even without a crutch. Shocking I know. 1/2 an hour into round 1 Phil's opponent will knock him unconscious because he won't stop bemoaning the fact he's using such soft toughness 3, 5+ armour save troops. A random City Guard forum member will pass by and curb stomp Phil while he's in lala-land because we are all heartily sick of him going on and on about his poor toughness 3 models. Harden the hell up, take a man up pill, drink some concrete, get in the chilly bin - try using troops that are toughness, have 5+ armour, DON'T have ASF (or chariots), can't hit a barn door at 5 paces and run away at the slightest whiff of a crippled Gnoblar.
8th - Reid Pittams will look a "low" top ten in the eye having won Orktoberfest but crashed at DogCon. Reid will threaten Bignic with a Brettonian Realm Knight to the throat if a round starts anytime but exactly on time (it's a DogCon thing). Reid will draw a bye in round 3 but rather than risk playing Nick he will interrupt the game on the table next to him and persuade both players to play a quick 4000pts of them vs 2000pts of him. Reid will score a 20-0 massacre in this game. His opponents will have been Phil Petry and Ray, further cementing what we all know - Dark Elves are teh suck.
7th - Nick Irvine, relying as always on his captaincy of soft scoring will cane everyone with top sports/comp and painting scores but will drop the ball and lose every game he plays. He will play me in round 2 as destiny finally catches up with him. I will smash him. After the game he will get his lethally dangerous engineering geek buddies to lynch me outside (explaining my absence in round 3).
6th - Nick Bucky. Despite being the TO and only playing as the ghost for bye-busters Ancient and Venerable Nick will still get enough battle points to place highly. As TO he will rig his own soft scores in order to place in the top 10. Nick Irvine could learn a thing or to from this sort of thinking - why be nice when you can cheat?
5th - Robbed of his safety blanket (read: Black Dragon-riding cheese-monkey Dark Elf Lord) Antony will break his opponent's resolve with a continuous and unrelenting whinge about how much Pikes suck (they don't), how soft his characters are (after he's vapourised your General with magic), and how hard it is to use Dogs of War without 9 Maneaters with Handguns. Antony will play Dave in round 5 and lose because frankly, without a Black Dragon on his side, he's not as good as Dave. Any Dave in fact. I will beat Antony in round 4 as he relives the horror of his first practice game against me and capitulates in turn 5.
4th - Tony Vodanovich. Similar to Antony, Dirty bloody Vod will find using an army without a hideous amount of leadership-reducing, magic-molesting, ward-saving, immune-to-psychology scaring, multi Flesh Hound wielding Daemons is much harder than everyone else is making it look. Not having a Greater Daemon of Brokenness to fall back on will cause him to spiral out of control in round 2 where he will be found under a table whimpering quietly and whispering prayers to Slannesh, Khorne or Karen (who must surely be one of the gods of chaos at this particular time). Unless Tony actually takes Daemons in which case we're all probably royally screwed.
3rd - Glen Tibbles. Enraged by last years abismal (not Abyssal) performance at Fields Glen will field the most broken fluffy list possible. Opponents will be run into the ground, horrified that he somehow managed to bribe the judges and talk his way into the tournament using a list that makes Limburger look (and smell) attractive. Glen will play Antony on day 2 and lose (again). His Heirophant will be assassinated (regardless of whether he's taken Tomb Kings or not). I will stand on the side-lines and cheer him on - Go Team!
2nd - Bouyed by his overwhelming confidence after a stunning (fortunate) series of games at the NZ Masters (dodging bullets) Dave Grant will smash 1/2 his opponents with his awful Wood Elf army. He'll have 2 close games and lose another due to rampant over-confidence with Waywatchers vis a vis being ninjas in combat (they are not). I will stand on the side-lines and cheer on a fellow Dave while Phil sheds a silent and bitter tear as he reflects on the lost cause that is (and always was) the ADC.
1st - Carl Templeton. No one seems to know this guy so I'm picking you'll all get put in your place by a complete unknown who will school everyone with unforeseen moves and skills that will amaze and astound. Carl will be using a Dwarf army with a single Master Engineer as the general (and no other characters) and the rest of the army will be Warrior blocks of unusual sizes - all with full command. The Horde Dwarfs will (slowly) crush all before them with a series of 20-0 wins against opponents who are completely unprepared for his incredible skills. We will ask for his autograph after the games. At the prize ceremony Carl will whip off his disguise to reveal he is actually Charles Black under cover, returned from beyond the Tasman to remind us all he won a NZGT in the distant past. NZers everywhere will bow their heads in shame and we will be ridiculed on forums across the world. Charles will win an enormous killy sword and won't be able to get it through customs. Rubber gloves will be involved and the Kiwis will have the last laugh at his expense.
This prediction thing is EASY!
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