The reason I've been stalling on this report is for much the same reasons as I stalled on the 20-0 loss to Capt Nick at FluffyCon report. Turns out I didn't lose quite as badly in this game but the issue I have with the game and recounting it is that I'm really struggling to see how the outcome could have been that different. Tomb Kings are without a doubt my absolute nemisis army. Doesn't matter what I'm using, if I'm facing Tomb Kings the sharp money is on the other guy to beat the snot out of whatever I'm pushing around. Not just beat the snot out of my guys though - do it in style by losing bugger all of his own army.
Which is not to say I played extremely well. In fact I deployed poorly - the Knights and Pistoliers were almost out of the game and the Flagellents were perfectly lined up to get machine-gunned to death by Archers and Cav before being magically charged and smashed by Ushabti. If I were to have a go at this game again I honestly reckon I'd castle up to the max with a long line of Flagellents out front to take all the heat, and just hug the board edge in the vain hope that I might keep my rear/flanks safe from magical charges. I really should have done this. Really.
As it was I lost first turn in this game and the Crossbowmen were immediately vapourised by a large unit of Skeleton Archers hanging out on a hill. The Cannons had one turn to make a good impact so naturally they either misfired (against the sweet sweet flank of a unit of chariots and Tomb Prince) or overshot (against the Catapult).
The battle progressed largely exactly how Harry wanted it too. The Knights were kept well out of the game, the detachments were smashed, Scorpions ate the artillery, the Flagellents... died. The Spearmen and BSB ended up fleeing a charge and fleeing the board just to deny Harry the inevitable 200 bonus points to be gained from capturing their banners.
All in all it was a dark day for the Empire; an 18-2 loss and the harsh reality of aiming beyond the scope of my ability as a player (damn those three wins on day 1). Harry went on to smash everyone else - no joke, he didn't drop a game. His hardest matchup might have been against Reid (16-4?). Harry is probably the best Tomb Kings player in the country - he's been using the army for years and at the end of this event he was the clear winner; ahead of the rest of the pack by around 20 tournament points. No great shame in losing to him (although one was perhaps hoping not to lose quite so badly) and this defeat had the fortunate side-effect of sending me back down the rankings to play someone more on my level which was probably for the better :)
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