Sunday, July 6, 2008

Rat rat rat RATTIES

So how did it go against Skaven then?

In all modesty... awesome.

Nick has a HUGE army - it's truly an epic horde of rats - and somewhat imposing to view from the other side of the battlefield. Keeping the pre-battle research in mind however I was able to funnel his units between 3 forests. The real turning points came at the end of my first turn (an early turning points I know, read on...) when a clanrat unit was joined by the Grey Seer, Warlock AND BSB. It was just too tempting a target! A grudegthrower shot and some Quarrellers managed to cause just enough casualties for a panic check and panic they did! Not only that but they then failed to rally (needing 7s - Seer's l6 + muso; Skaven can't count ranks for leadership tests when rallying) and left the board! 600 or so points gone just like that including all Nick's magic offense and the rerolls he would shortly need to hold in combat vs my blocks. As it was I managed to mostly hold off most of the Skaven army with the Hammerers and my artillery as they struggled to close the distance. On the other flank my characters bunkered in the Longbeards and took on the rest of the Skaven army with some Warriors and the exceedingly useful (and admittedly very annoying) Gyrocopter who flame-grilled rats by the dozen and march-blocked everything else. The Gyro itself took out most of a Gutter Runner unit and panicked the Giant Rats off the board. The Runesmith Rune of Challenged some Slaves (who fled, failed to rally and a couple of turns later were cross-fired by the Warriors before they could run off the board) and then solo charged the remaining Gutter Runners, holding them in place and blocking the following Clanrats until the Longebards got in, forcing the Clanrats to charge and seeing them off in short order.

It took AGES for Nick to grind through the stubborn Organ Gun and Grudgethrower crews.

The Miners were thrown away charging the Warp-Lightning Cannon (I was hoping it would fail to rally meaning it would flee back towards the closest board edge - through the Miners). They died single-handedly to an Assassin.

At the end I had two quarters, two banners and the skaven general and had lost the Grudgethrower and Organ Gun, the cannon (thanks to a misfire), the Miners, half the Runesmith and almost half the Hammerers. VP difference was 1744 or thereabouts.

I learnt that rats are soft but that static res counts for a lot and if my flanks were tagged I would probably be toast.

Nick learnt not to bunker all his characters in a Clanrat unit.

Rematch on Wednesday night, but unfortunately I won't be using Dwarfs... hehehe...

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