Friday, July 11, 2008

Middle-of-the-road Lizardmen list and 2 games thus far

I've played a couple of games with this list and opinion from those in the know is that it's a fairly standard tournament Lizard list - nothing too hard or soft, nothing too extreme. Most common opinion is taking something out to fit in some Terradons (probably the mounted Scar-Vet).

The list

Slann - 4th gen, Plaque of tepok, Plaque of Protection, Banehead
Scar-Vet - Jag charm, LA, GW, Shield, Tzlatcotl (ItP)
Scar-Vet - Itzl, Quetzl, LA, Burning Blade, Enchanted Shield, Cold One
Skink Priest - Level 2, Diadem

10 Skinks
10 Skinks
10 Skinks
10 Skinks - Scouts
15 Saurus - Full Command

4 Kroxigor
4 Kroxigor

3 Salamanders

Game vs Antony's Dark Elves

The tables are turned and Antony gets to thrash me before I learn how to use the army (as per me thrashing him before he learnt how to use Dark Elves). I eked a win by a little over 200pts in this game and made some really stupid mistakes. Deployment was shot with the Steg out on a flank for no good reason, Saurus on the other flank waiting to be combo charged (which was what eventually happened), Krox traffic-jammed in the middle. Ant's Dragon-boss charged some Krox standing in front of the Slann, broke them and just failed to overrun into the Slann (who fled). The Krox also managed to rally which was fortunate. The Dragon-boss then took another 4 Krox in the flank who won combat by 1, broke the DE general (who rolled 10 for the break test) and ran him down after he only fled 7". Was a pretty awesome moment and I nearly brought the roof down with all my cheering. Meanwhile, Cold One Knights, a Chariot and a Steed-mounted Noble did for the Saurus and shortly after that the mounted Scar-Vet. The Jag-Vet was lost in a stupid move, dying to Repeater Bolt Thrower fire. 2 units of Skinks and the Steg did for the other flank taking out a Repeater Crossbow unit and Mage, Black Guard and the two Bolt Throwers, some Dark Riders and a unit of Shades (ninja Skinks!!!). A timely Comet of Cassendora from the Priest helped (nuking the Black Guard, RXB unit and a unit of Skinks!). Slann ended up in combat and left on half-wounds. A good game and I learnt a lot - especially about magic which as a Dwarf player is quite foreign to me!

Against Nick's Skaven... well we called it in turn 5 - a massacre win to me. Nick is still learning how to run the rats and constantly encounters enormous issues with leadership and panic. Case in point - the scouting unit of Skinks broke and ran down a 5-rat unit of Tunnellers (who opted not to tunnel), panicking a unit of Slaves and Gutter Runners, and the Gutter Runners ran through the Jezzails panicking them too! Fortunately the Jezzails and Gutter Runners rallied before leaving the table (they were eventually smashed by some very keen Kroxigor). The Seer and Warlock were bunkered in the Plaguemonks but after their protective Gutter Runner screen was shot to pieces and ran away they were forced to charge some Skinks due to Frenzy. The Skinks fled and the ensuing counter-charge by a full unit of Kroxigor and the Steg (!) butchered the Plaguemonks who were run down, signalling the collapse of the Skaven centre and the loss of their magic defense. Magic however was a damp squib all-round but one highlight was getting irresistable Walking Death off on some Krox making them cause Terror which caused a full unit of Clanrats to panic into some impassable terrain and splat themselves. The Jag-Vet was awesome - the 18" move meant fleeing units were often run down, unable to escape his awesomely long charge range.

In summary - Lizardmen are awesome fun to use. Magic is fickle but fun. Having a move of more than 6" is fun. Being march-blocked is NOT fun! Skirmishing Skinks are fun (less so after the new FAQ meaning it's much more difficult to redirect chargers).

I have a game against "Mike" lined up for Sunday. Mike's new to the club and getting back into Fantasy using a Chaos army. Hopefully I can give him a good game and convince him to stick around!

Also on the horizon is a game Sunday week against Tony's Daemons!!! Excitment! I'll be taking my Dwarfs for this so I can figure out how to face down the new kid on the Warhammer block. Tony's theory is that Dwarfs might just be the rock to the Daemons scissors. One can only hope! Word round WAU is that gunlines might be making a come-back with these new armies coming out and Dwarfs are amongst the best at bringing the pain at range. Tony is also a top player and I'm sure to learn more about the intricacies of Warhammer Fantasy. I'm not too opeful about getting a win but at least some of the advantages of his Daemon build (magic, shooting, leadership based modifiers) are somewhat capped by my slow movement (unbelievably an advantage as I can't be lured out to charge that far with the Siren Standard), magic resistance and ld10 from the general (meaning I'll be testing probably on 7s on three dice and taking the highest... great... :p). The tactic will have to be castle and make him come to me. It's all I've got against their superior mobility and the just silly amount of list synergy that Daemons enjoy.

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