Sunday, May 25, 2008

Tin Soldiers army list

Here is the list I'm taking to Tin Soldiers in a couple of weeks:

2248pt Dwarf Roster for Tin Soldiers - The City Guard Presidential Army

281 Dwarf Lord (145) – Dawid Stonefist – “President Elect of the City Guard”
Great weapon (6) with Rune of Kragg the Grimm (20), Rune of Fury (25), Rune of Snorri Spangelhelm (25), Rune of Stone (5), Rune of Resistance (25), Rune of the Furnace (5), Shieldbearers (25)

165 Thane (65) – Nyck Theoryhammer – “Secretary of the Guard”
Battle Standard (25)
Master Rune of Swiftness (25), Rune of Cleaving (20), Rune of Fury (25)
Rune of Stone (5)

147 Runesmith (70) – Karyn Goldfingers – “Treasurer of the Guard”
Shield (2), 2 x Rune of Spellbreaking (50), Master Rune of Challenge (25)

303 19 Longbeards (209) – “The Grizzled Old Veterans”
Veteran Old Nobbsy (10), Musician (5), Standard Bearer (10)
Banner with Rune of Courage (30), Rune of Determination (20)
Shields (19)

205 20 Warriors (160) – “The Regulars”
Veteran Lumpy (10), Musician (5), Standard Bearer (10)
Shields (20)

140 10 Thunderers (140) – “Space Marine Fanboyz Club”

110 10 Quarrellers (110) – “Mordheim Appreciation Society”

335 19 Hammerers (228) – “The President’s Bodyguard and Advisory Committee”
Gatekeeper Antony Kitsonsson (12), Musician (6), Standard Bearer (12)
Banner with Rune of Battle (25) and Rune of Stoicism (25), Shields (19)

110 10 Miners (110) – “Warmachine Players Clique”

95 Cannon (90) – “The Voice of Pierre”
Rune of Burning (5)

105 Grudgethrower (80) – “Big Wayde”
Rune of Accuracy (25)

120 Organ Gun (120) – “The Weasel-Fierce”

140 Gyrocopter (140) – “Mad Daemion”

(The names are all 'personalities' from the club).

I'm totally unashamed to say I "borrowed" most of this army list from Andrew Galea (check it out! The biggest difference between our lists is that where he has Ironbreakers I have Warriors (due to the models I have available) and he has two bolt throwers where I have the cannon and grudgethrower.

The army has been working well for me -and by that I mean I've lost most of the games I've played but I'd like to think that's most because of my poor generalship than any inherent faults in the list. It's taken a while to get used to the lack of mobility (being Dwarfs and all) not that I can compare with other Warhammer armies I've used (=zero) but because I came from Necrons and Eldar in 40k which are (or at least can be) VERY fast armies.

That said, I've some to appreciate the strengths of the army - toughness, armour, leadership and not inconsiderable shooting power. These somewhat make up for the lack of maneouverability but I've also discovered that movement in Warhammer is required to have a decent shot at crushing your opponent and have been told on numerous occasions to not expect significant wins in any given game (looking at draws and minor victories, not solid victories or massacres). It seems strange to say it but I'd find even a minor victory satisfying (I play to crush in 40k; play to play in Fantasy).


Anyway, Tin Soldiers...

I'm really looking forward to this - my first Fantasy tournament, a current field of 26 including some very good players - Phil, Dave, Antony, Tony, Pete... these guys (and others) are simply something to aspire to at this point but hopefully if I'm lucky enough to somehow draw a game against them (which could only happen in the opening rounds) I'll give them a decent fight.

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