Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Site sharing...

I refer you here for future posts regarding my involvement in a new (for me) and totally exciting and consuming gaming system. Warhammer gets a stern telling off and some time on the naughty step while I take a break and refresh my interest with WARMACHINE (rawr!).


Unknown said...

Good stuff David.

Always best to try something new if you're not enjoying it.

The 7th Ed guys in Oz decamped en masse and they haven't looked back.

All the best

Unknown said...

Cheers and I think it's definitely best to try something new. My particular circle of friends is also getting into Flames of War (I'm not the least bit interested in it) and Malifaux (unsure).

I can't ever see myself going back to 40k, and tried FoG for a bit (didn't take) so Warmachine looked like the logical step. I've loving it :)

The Goblins and Vampires are still getting the odd bit of painting love - when I go back to 'Hammer (which will be sooner than I thought - FluffyCon next year!) I'll be ready. Actually... I'm using a mate's Ogre Kingdoms for that tournament - very keen to see what they can achieve!