Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thoughts pre-NiCon

Tomorrow is going to be a helluva day. Looking at a 5.30am start. Picking up Reid, Vod, Paul, and Big Show (Chris) at 6.30am. Hitting the motorway scanning for breakfast options (BP stop on the Southern or somewhere in Huntly).

Briefing is at 8am (we won't be there for this I suspect); first round starts at 8.30am.

I've got a weird feeling going into this event. I've run a few tournaments before (only a few mind) and there has been (and continues to be) some odd stuff happening regarding the Warhammer tournament at NiCon. Here are a few examples:

COMP - there is none. Fine, happy with that. The TO is running a series of "strict" guidelines. Ok. Except one of my mates received an email claiming he would receive a comp score of "0" and the list was "on-target". Wha? I've broken one of the guidelines (no double Rares), but the TO is ok with this in the context of the rest of the list. Ok... But no email went out to the registered players advising them of any of this or any update in the thinking around the guidelines shifting. Or a reversioning of the players pack. I initially thought they were hard caps until I asked (and realised the TO considers caps different from strict guidelines). Preparing myself for some dummy spits and tantrums tomorrow as players find they have misread the intentions of the TO :(

SPORTS - worth 20% of your score. Ok, sounds good. But it's scored 0-3-5 per game for a max of 30pts (when the players pack says it will be scored out of 40pts). Wha?

TIMETABLE - Round one starts at 8.30am. Ok, fine with that. Each round is 2.5hrs long. Good good. But there are four rounds on Day One with 1/2 breaks except between the third and fourth rounds when you only have a 15 minute break. Not good. Combine this with...

FOOD - there is none. Seriously - there is no on-site catering. And beyond that - there is no eating in the venue. Ouch.

So here's the plan. Drive down. Play Round One. Shoot out and book into the motel. Fly back to the venue. Round Two. Race like mad to find some food off-site, eat, race back. Round Three. Barely catch our collective breath. Round Four. Find more food, back to motel, bourbon, collapse.

I think the TO is going to have to be a little flexible on the round times - especially as the convention has no catering whatsoever (madness).

Something else has caught my attention - numbers. 40k has hit it's max players (50). Warmachine has 27, Flames 25. Fantasy has become the poor cousin of tournaments that it was outnumbering in years previous. Worse - as far as I can tell from the list of registered players (although communication in this regard has been poor and inconsistent - no updates from the TO or any sense of promotion of the event and a drive to get the numbers up) Reid, Daryl Painter from the City Guard and myself are the only players traveling from outside of Hamilton for the Fantasy event. I hope I'm proved wrong in this but given how close Hamilton is (1.5hrs by mostly motorway) this is quite a big disappointment.

I guess the silver lining is that I am that much more likely to play someone I've never (or rarely) played before - always a bonus at a tournament these days.

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