Sunday, May 15, 2011

NiCon Goblins and thoughts...


141 - Goblin Warboss - Armour of Silvered Steel, Dawnstone, Great Weapon

Built to (hopefully) survive and primarily to dole out Ld9 with the BSB. He is able to hope to a unit that needs some choppy help if necessary, but ideally he's cheering from the back row. No ward save means he's a hot target for Killing Blow.

250 - Goblin Great Shaman - Level 4 upgrade, Talisman of Preservation, Earthing Rod

NOT a Night Goblin Shaman (1 in 6 chance of Mushroom induced spell failure!). I'm having a hit-and-miss time getting the most out of the Little Waagh! spell lore but by and large it's a quality deck.

79 - Goblin Big Boss - Battle Standard (Standard of Discipline), Light Armour, Shield

The magical standard is great but I tend to have to worry about him getting into trouble (he's a very soft target). Having said that, in one game he not only survived 12 attacks from a Hellpit Abomination but went on to take its last wound (Nets being awsomely synergistic in this case!).

80 - Night Goblin Big Boss - Spear, Light Armour, Charmed Shield, Giant Cave Squig

This guy is awesome fun and really effective (and would be more effective if I remembered his Stomp attack!). Obvious synergy with the Squig Hoppers but I need to investigate how the rules work if I want to charge him out of his unit.

75 - Night Goblin Shaman - Dispel Scroll

Ususally gets the default spell or the number 6 spell (suicide casting!) and good for a Channelling roll.

90 - Night Goblin Shaman - Staff of Channelling, Ruby Ring of Ruin

The Ring is wicked handy, the Staff is often useful.

265 - 50 Night Goblins - Standard, Musician, Netters, 2 Fanatics

232 - 39 Night Goblins - Standard, Musician, Netters, 2 Fanatics

124 - 23 Night Goblins - Champion, Standard, Musician, 1 Fanatic

85 - 20 Night Goblins - Bows, 1 Fanatic

85 - 20 Night Goblins - Bows, 1 Fanatic

An array of Gobbo blocks with the ever random Fanatics. The crazy little ball-swingers are a bit better now (especially if you have a knack for rolling averages) and combined with Netters can result in some nasty surprises for my opponents. Of course, they're still just Goblins, and without a decent hammer I've often found I can happily pin a unit against a massive Steadfast block but sit there for the whole game getting steadily butchered without any useful rebuttal.

70 - 5 Spider Riders - Bows

70 - 5 Spider Riders - Bows

I'm only persevering with these guys (over the superior - and cheaper! - Wolf Riders) because I have the models available (and don't have Wolf Riders). They can be useful though and I'm just waiting for a Spider-driven bowshot to take the last wound from something big and nasty :)

210 - 6 Trolls

Net-research indicates Trolls are best used either 4-strong running in 2x2 formation or going all out with 8-10 Trolls in one big feck off unit. I only have 6 :)

120 - 10 Squig Hoppers

Consistently inconsistent performers - combined with magic hexes and buffs they can be all sorts of awesome but I've still yet to sync a magic phase just right to get the combinations I'm looking for. Don't suffer from Animosity now though and can't be Stomped - current kills include a Steg and a Doomwheel. Hoping they will be underestimated.

80 - Doom Diver

85 - Rock Lobber

A couple of classics with an improved correcting move from the mad Diver.

60 - Pump Wagon - Spiky Roller

60 - Pump Wagon - Spiky Roller

Pure awesome with str5 impact hits and no charge reactions allowed thanks to Random Movement. Now being able to roll 3D6 for boosted movement they are very useful.

65 - Mangler Squig

65 - Mangler Squig

Runners-up for the most awesome/most useless unit in the army. Die like that (imagine me clicking my fingers) to most shooting (soft cover rule helps a bit but not enough) - an extra wound would have helped a lot (given they are two Giant Squigs chained together 3 wounds is a little disappointing). Opponents have to do something about them though and even if it means throwing Dogs or Wolves or Harpies at them they are almost earning their points back + taking a unit out of the game.

15 deployments (including warmachines and characters)

Fortitude of SIX

Lords - 16%

Heroes - 14%

Core - 39%

Special - 14%

Rare - 17%

1 comment:

Nick Lironi-Irvine said...

Lots of steadfast, lots of magic, lots of ability to smash some face in combat - looks very solid!