Sunday, October 10, 2010

FluffyCon 2011 - Players Pack

The players pack (and sample army lists) have gone out to all the players on my email database. Given this database now includes over 100 players and there is a 40 player limit at FluffyCon (as carefully and clearly expressed in the enail) I hoped to get an immediate reaction.

Far out - I'm not disappointed.

With the pack going out last night I've already had 10 positive (i.e. "Sign me up - I'm coming!") responses, including one from a player who heard about FluffyCon from a friend! Excellent!

All the feedback and communication so far has been extremely encouraging - not just players congratulating and thanking me for the pack but also sending through some extremely neat and highly appropriate lists.

I must admit I was (somewhat) apprehensive about the reaction from the community. I'm really asking players to step out at this tournament and really try hard to get into the spirit of the event. Early evidence suggests to me this is potentially going to be far more successful than I had initially hoped. List feedback so far has been constructive, quick and efficient and the players are taking my advice on-board readily. Kudos to the players I've already had the pleasure of having an email conversation with - I'm extremely encouraged by your approach to this event. The lists so far are fluffy and AWESOME! Magic items are practically non-existent, full commands are flourishing and diversity within lists is huge... looks like the sample lists idea is paying off.

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