I've been asked why I've taken Skeletons over Ghouls. Here are the reasons:
- Skellies "comp" better than Ghouls due to a perceived difference in their awesomeness
Ghouls are mad good for 8 points. Toughness 4, 2 (!) poisoned attacks each, as easy to raise as Skellies and of course you can get the Raise Ghouls power for more fun. Plus Ghoulkin if you want to be really dirty. By comparison the poor little bony dudes get a 4+ save from hand weapon/shield in combat and the ability to take a unit standard.
So Ghouls are better overall (assumed casualties caused might outweigh the pros - and cons - of a unit standard) in most scenarios. They give big stuff the willies (eat Giants for breakfast with the poisoned attacks). Given the horror that is the rest of my list I felt Skellies would be a more reasonable choice. I've gone the 'wall of bone' option - hit combat and grind while looking for strike options with faster stuff on the flanks.
- Skellies can take magic standards which might be important later on (I plan on sticking with Vampires long-term so will continue collecting and diversifying my lists)
This actually came up as a strong potential for DogCon - give a unit of Skellies the Flaming attacks banner or the extra combat res for 4 ranks banner. The point of the Flaming banner is not to give the Skeletons Flaming attacks. It's to give the Vampires bunkering in the unit Flaming attacks!
- I bought a bunch of Skellies
At NatCon earlier this year there was a lot of stuff on sale and the bring and buy and I picked up a LOT of Skeleton models from various ranges and editions. Made sense to go with Skeletons from a financial standpoint.
- I hate the Ghoul models
The most pressing issue - I don't like the look of the Ghoul models. I have no doubt I'll paint some Ghouls up at some point but it won't be the GW ones which means I'll have to look around (hard) for something appropriate. Definitely not in a hurry to do that when I've got so much more on the painting table after DogCon (Blood Knights, Corpse Cart, more Zombies, more characters, Winged Nightmare/Abyssal Terror).
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